The first FDA-approved medication to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis in cats | Laughery Valley Veterinary Hospital Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer
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The first FDA-approved medication to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis in cats

The first FDA-approved medication to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis in cats
November 4, 2022

Exciting news for cat lovers! The first FDA-approved medication to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis in cats has hit the market. Because of good care from owners and from vets, our pets are living longer, healthier lives. With longer lives, unfortunately, comes degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis (OA). Most people say "arthritis" but the proper term in animals is "osteoarthritis". As you likely know, it is a degenerative condition of the joints in which the cartilage cushion breaks down. Eventually, the bones inside the joint begin to rub against each other causing pain and decreased mobility. 

From a veterinary point of view, OA in cats has historically been difficult to diagnose. We all know that cats are adept at hiding their pain from vets or their owners. It's part of their nature. Many owners thought Fluffy was just "getting old" when she could not jump up on the furniture or run up the stairs like she used to. In the cat's vertical world, the horizontal gradually takes over.  I mean, that's what happens to older pets, right? 

New research has shown that 60% of cats over six years old have a degree of osteoarthritis, while in cats over twelve the percentage rises to 90. This research was a combination of radiographic analysis along with behavioral observation and veterinary exams. The fascinating part of this research is that owners can look for six behavior patterns in their older cats at home to help with the diagnosis of OA. You can observe these OA patterns of behavior in cartoon form on this website>> 

If you see any of these patterns of movement in your older cat, contact your veterinarian who can do a thorough exam, make recommendations and help Fluffy live a more comfortable life.

Solencia is safe and effective. It is a monoclonal antibody, meaning that it is a highly specific protein that targets molecules involved in disease. It functions like naturally occurring antibodies with minimal involvement of the liver or kidneys. This product is injected by your veterinarian once a month to relieve the pain associated with osteoarthritis. We now have a cat OA treatment, FDA approved and ready to help Fluffy's mobility, comfort, and well-being.

Submitted by,
Harley Robinson, DVM